We, Clientjoy, have a team of young, creative minds bubbling with ideas, motivated to take over the dais and showcase impressive skills. Our energetic team of 30 dynamic young individuals under the age of 30, is always ready to take up new challenges.
Young professionals under 30 years of age are great assets for any organization. Apart from being at the peak of their careers, they have the edge over their senior counterparts in every way.
There was a time when people kick-started their careers around the age of 30. However, nowadays, professionals achieve the expertise and experience required to rule the industry before they reach 30.
Indian cricket team’s run-machine – Virat Kohli, is the best example to showcase the energy of professionals under 30. At the age of 29, he is physically fit, a great leader and focused on his goals. He has achieved a lot more than most of the batsmen did at his age.
Not only do they keep the work environment upbeat with their positive energy, but also ensure that all tasks assigned to them are met with great efficiency and dedication. Their go-getter attitude is what works best for us.
At Clientjoy, we believe in collaborating with creative minds, coordinating aggressive projects, and cooperating with everyone to achieve the highest productivity together. There are some prominent traits in all our team members that make them stand out among the masses.

Key traits that make our members stand out:
Taking Initiatives
Young professionals today, don’t shy away from taking initiative. In fact, with the leadership qualities they possess, they are more than willing to explore the market and experiment with their skills to convince clients. All they want is to make a difference in the domain they are working in and bring about a visibly positive change. You can find such leaders in our team at Clientjoy. All of them are self-motivated to take up new initiatives whenever they get an opportunity.
Not Shying Away from Challenges
Whenever you meet a team member from Clientjoy, you will see them taking on their next challenge. Young professionals are open to new ideas and challenges that accompany them, and so is our team. They are well-informed, highly skilled, and well-equipped with technical know-how. The only thing they lack is experience, which they are always willing to gain, by combating the toughest projects.
Risk-taking Abilities
“Without risks, there are no returns” is one of the mottos we live by at Clientjoy. When our young leaders are determined to take up challenges, no force can stop them even if it involves risks. Their daredevil attitude helps them to take risks and overcome them with ease.
Optimistic Approach towards Work
Employees who are starting in the industry always have an optimistic approach towards work. They seldom say no to anything that comes. Their goal is to learn as much as they can, from various tasks assigned. They possess the right will, energy, and focus to learn new things that will help them climb the success ladder. Every individual in our team is undergoing a constant process of learning which helps
they excel in their industry.
Dedication and Perseverance
The commitment level of our team of 30 under 30 can amaze the toughest maestros in the industry. Their dedication and perseverance to achieve the given target and task are unquestionable. If anyone in the team has taken a task at hand, no matter how difficult, if needed, the entire team comes together to complete it with flawless quality.
Super-Creative with Fresh Ideas
In the corporate world, employees under 30 years of age are like a clean slate – you can feed their minds with new information and latest technologies. Besides, they are brimming with fresh new ideas, which they want to express. A workplace with an open-minded approach allows them to do so. This way, even the organization gets opportunities to experiment with something new. So, when we say our team is our
biggest resource, it is because the organization gets to learn as much from the team as the team does from it.
Entrepreneurs in the Making
Whenever you get a chance to have a conversation with a team member from Clientjoy, you will see their ambitious nature reflect in their thoughts. Their thought process and approach towards work is always focused on aligning their individual goals with our company’s vision. It is the kind of vision that we believe can lead them to become excellent entrepreneurs someday. We, at Clientjoy take pride in having
such a visionary, ambitious lot on board.
Bitten by the Travel Bug
After your favorite teacher in school, travel is the second-best teacher in the world. The experiences that we learn from while travelling and meeting people from different walks of life is incomparable. Clientjoy teammates believe that there are many unexplored realms in our industry and they have no qualms in traveling around the world to explore them.
Great Managers and Multi-taskers
Give them a variety of deliverables, and they will be able to deliver it, without any complaints- we can rightfully say this for every one of our team members. They are professionals under 30 who are great managers and can manage multiple tasks with stringent deadlines. They can work through pressure; in fact, some of them perform better under pressure.
No Time Constraints
Time is the least of concerns for budding employees at Clientjoy. In these initial years of their career, they do not mind sparing extra hours at work to gain experience. They do not restrict themselves with a 9 – 5 job attitude which is beneficial to our community as well. In fact, many times, they skip off personal commitments to meet their professional agenda. However, Clientjoy’s team members are perfectly capable of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Learn from their Mistakes
The young employees come with a bunch of fresh ideas that might or might not always work. Nonetheless, it gives them an opportunity to learn from their mistakes. They join the organization without any apprehensions, which makes the entire learning experience fruitful for them.
Room for Improvement
Last but not the least, every organization aims to have a team that shows constant improvement. The Clientjoy team believes that improvisation is the first step to perfection. So, we are always open to tips and advice to ensure the constant growth of our employees and the organization.
In a way, having a team of 30 under 30 is a great learning experience for the organization too. While we are accustomed to working in a certain way, these young professionals manage to find creative methods to resolve the most complicated situations. It not only motivates our team members but also the leaders of the organization to put their best foot forward.
Contact us at Clientjoy to know more about our team or the products and services we offer. Our dynamic team of 30 under 30 will guide you through every step of the road we pave for you.
We, Clientjoy, have a team of young, creative minds bubbling with ideas, motivated to take over the dais and showcase impressive skills. Our energetic team of 30 dynamic young individuals under the age of 30, is always ready to take up new challenges.
Young professionals under 30 years of age are great assets for any organization. Apart from being at the peak of their careers, they have the edge over their senior counterparts in every way.
There was a time when people kick-started their careers around the age of 30. However, nowadays, professionals achieve the expertise and experience required to rule the industry before they reach 30.
Indian cricket team’s run-machine – Virat Kohli, is the best example to showcase the energy of professionals under 30. At the age of 29, he is physically fit, a great leader and focused on his goals. He has achieved a lot more than most of the batsmen did at his age.
Not only do they keep the work environment upbeat with their positive energy, but also ensure that all tasks assigned to them are met with great efficiency and dedication. Their go-getter attitude is what works best for us.
At Clientjoy, we believe in collaborating with creative minds, coordinating aggressive projects, and cooperating with everyone to achieve the highest productivity together. There are some prominent traits in all our team members that make them stand out among the masses.
Key traits that make our members stand out:
Taking Initiatives
Young professionals today, don’t shy away from taking initiative. In fact, with the leadership qualities they possess, they are more than willing to explore the market and experiment with their skills to convince clients. All they want is to make a difference in the domain they are working in and bring about a visibly positive change. You can find such leaders in our team at Clientjoy. All of them are self-motivated to take up new initiatives whenever they get an opportunity.
Not Shying Away from Challenges
Whenever you meet a team member from Clientjoy, you will see them taking on their next challenge. Young professionals are open to new ideas and challenges that accompany them, and so is our team. They are well-informed, highly skilled, and well-equipped with technical know-how. The only thing they lack is experience, which they are always willing to gain, by combating the toughest projects.
Risk-taking Abilities
“Without risks, there are no returns” is one of the mottos we live by at Clientjoy. When our young leaders are determined to take up challenges, no force can stop them even if it involves risks. Their daredevil attitude helps them to take risks and overcome them with ease.
Optimistic Approach towards Work
Employees who are starting in the industry always have an optimistic approach towards work. They seldom say no to anything that comes. Their goal is to learn as much as they can, from various tasks assigned. They possess the right will, energy, and focus to learn new things that will help them climb the success ladder. Every individual in our team is undergoing a constant process of learning which helps
they excel in their industry.
Dedication and Perseverance
The commitment level of our team of 30 under 30 can amaze the toughest maestros in the industry. Their dedication and perseverance to achieve the given target and task are unquestionable. If anyone in the team has taken a task at hand, no matter how difficult, if needed, the entire team comes together to complete it with flawless quality.
Super-Creative with Fresh Ideas
In the corporate world, employees under 30 years of age are like a clean slate – you can feed their minds with new information and latest technologies. Besides, they are brimming with fresh new ideas, which they want to express. A workplace with an open-minded approach allows them to do so. This way, even the organization gets opportunities to experiment with something new. So, when we say our team is our
biggest resource, it is because the organization gets to learn as much from the team as the team does from it.
Entrepreneurs in the Making
Whenever you get a chance to have a conversation with a team member from Clientjoy, you will see their ambitious nature reflect in their thoughts. Their thought process and approach towards work is always focused on aligning their individual goals with our company’s vision. It is the kind of vision that we believe can lead them to become excellent entrepreneurs someday. We, at Clientjoy take pride in having
such a visionary, ambitious lot on board.
Bitten by the Travel Bug
After your favorite teacher in school, travel is the second-best teacher in the world. The experiences that we learn from while travelling and meeting people from different walks of life is incomparable. Clientjoy teammates believe that there are many unexplored realms in our industry and they have no qualms in traveling around the world to explore them.
Great Managers and Multi-taskers
Give them a variety of deliverables, and they will be able to deliver it, without any complaints- we can rightfully say this for every one of our team members. They are professionals under 30 who are great managers and can manage multiple tasks with stringent deadlines. They can work through pressure; in fact, some of them perform better under pressure.
No Time Constraints
Time is the least of concerns for budding employees at Clientjoy. In these initial years of their career, they do not mind sparing extra hours at work to gain experience. They do not restrict themselves with a 9 – 5 job attitude which is beneficial to our community as well. In fact, many times, they skip off personal commitments to meet their professional agenda. However, Clientjoy’s team members are perfectly capable of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Learn from their Mistakes
The young employees come with a bunch of fresh ideas that might or might not always work. Nonetheless, it gives them an opportunity to learn from their mistakes. They join the organization without any apprehensions, which makes the entire learning experience fruitful for them.
Room for Improvement
Last but not the least, every organization aims to have a team that shows constant improvement. The Clientjoy team believes that improvisation is the first step to perfection. So, we are always open to tips and advice to ensure the constant growth of our employees and the organization.
In a way, having a team of 30 under 30 is a great learning experience for the organization too. While we are accustomed to working in a certain way, these young professionals manage to find creative methods to resolve the most complicated situations. It not only motivates our team members but also the leaders of the organization to put their best foot forward.
Contact us at Clientjoy to know more about our team or the products and services we offer. Our dynamic team of 30 under 30 will guide you through every step of the road we pave for you.